Sunday, August 26, 2012

Adventures in Mexico: Bus and Motel Edition

After I graduated from college, my mom and I drove from Tennessee all the way to Mexico's Yucatan Pennisula. It took us 5 days of driving to get to Merida. Driving in Mexico was quite an adventure and the source of many fabulous stories. I will share a couple of my favorites in this post.

On the first day in Mexico, a bus passed us on a two lane road and left a beautiful scratch down the driver's side of my card. The bus driver stopped, asked if we had insurance, told us to make a claim, and then got back on the bus without giving us any information. Meanwhile, my mom and I were in shock and just watched the bus drive away. Smart people would had decided to go home; however, as brave adventurers we forged on.

On the second day driving in Mexico, we had another interesting adventure. It was dark and we were looking for a hotel in Veracruz. I see a sign along the highway that says motel. Since it was dark and the motel had a security wall, we pulled in. We tripped an alarm and someone came out to talk us. She asked how long we would be staying. We said until 7 or 8 and then she quoted a a reasonable price. I think it was about $20 dollars. We paid and she directed into open garage which was right beside the room.

We walked in and inspected the room. It seemed rather nice for $20 bucks. There was a big, king sized bed and a tv. The bathroom even had a bidet which I thought was really strange. Wanting to veg out, I climbed on the bed and turned on the tv. Needless to say, I was shocked and embarrassed to see a naked man and woman going at it. Then, everything clicked. I understood why the employee asked how long we were staying. I understood why she never asked for our names. I understood why there was a giant mirror on the wall and a bidet. We were staying at a no tell motel that charged by the hour. Yup, I stayed at a sex motel with my mother.

After we got over the shock, Mom and I had a good laugh about it. The room was nice and a good value since we were only paying for the hours that we needed to sleep. In fact, we started to look for similar motels in other cities later in our trip.

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