Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Bahamas

So, we ran a Facebook poll on what our Facebook friends wanted to read this time around for our Fall Break post.  There were three equally good choices:  Yucatan, Mexico (2009); the Bahamas (2010); or New England (2011).  However, only one can be crowned champion this time around...and it is...the Bahamas!

So, this was a cruise that left out of Jacksonville--only a ten hour drive from where we live.  We probably could have taken a Southwest flight from Nashville, but we travel on the cheap whenever possible.  In this case, we took this cruise in October, which is right in the middle of hurricane season!  So, prices were lower.

With this being our second-ever cruise, we found out what we liked and didn't like about our first one.  On our first cruise (Mexico, 2009), we found it creepy that our interior state room had window dressings, but no window to speak of.  So, for the price of an interior state room on Deck 4, we got ourselves a dual porthole room with a view on Deck 3 instead...

A room with a view...of the JAXPORT parking lot and
a pair of nuclear power plants...  It gets better, right?

One of the benefits of getting to the ship early (which we did), was that we got to leisurely partake in some of the all-inclusive amenities (while the stragglers were getting aboard) like...


Pictures with this guy!

But I usual...

So, this was a four-day cruise from Carnival that stopped in Freeport and Nassau.


There were all kinds of activities to do here, but they were all expensive:  scuba diving, jet skis, parasailing, etc.  We probably could have gambled in the casino, but there's no fun in losing money.  So, we chose to try out some of the local cuisine, take some pictures, and chill at the beach...

Conch fritters...

...and something to wash them down!

After eating a whole order of four conch fritters, we figured out exactly how many we needed:  MORE!!!  These things were fresh from the water and so delicious that you didn't need to add anything to them at all!

The Goombay Punch was just an added bonus.  Whenever I go somewhere, I typically like to try out their beer and their soda, at the very least.  More on their beer later.

Then we walked around a little bit and got flashbacks from London...

Wait a minute...
Oh, never mind...  I get it...

Then we got some cheesy photos...

As a general rule of thumb, two things
have to happen anytime we are on

1)  Heather pops her head through the
hole of a photo prop.

2)  Gnome photo shoot!  This time, at the beach!


This part of the trip had a lot more to do that was more budget-friendly.  Everything was within walking distance of the cruise terminal and was somewhere along Bay Street (or within a block or two), which was nice and easy to remember.  So, no getting lost!

While a lot of people decided to take the trip to Atlantis, we didn't because we wanted authenticity, not something that was created to attract more tourists.  No disrespect to those that like Atlantis or are employed by Atlantis, though.  After all, Atlantis is a very unique casino resort that is rather innovative in its own right.  We just feel that if we wanted to go to a casino resort, we could easily do that by flying our to Vegas, instead.

Anyway...  We took off for Ardastra Gardens, a zoo and conservation center.  There, we saw all kinds of birds, including flamingos!  They even did a flamingo parade show where they marched around in formation.  The flamingos exercised great discipline, even after the show, where they posed with us for pictures.

Isn't it somewhat ironic that when we were told
to pose like flamingos, they chose to imitate us?

After the show, we got to have fun with some of the other birds...

Dave:  "Excuse me, honey, but
there's a bird on your head!"

Heather and I with two cleverly color-matching parrots!

After Ardastra, we walked around looking for a place to eat.  However, that quest was temporarily halted when one of the locals tried to pickpocket me.  We were just walking and I felt a light brush against my butt.  I turned around suddenly to find a man standing just a little too close to me.  I actually startled the guy, which was a little gratifying. Then one of the local shopkeepers (who was outside and witnessed the incident) started scolding the guy.  We thought about going into her shop at least, but we were too hungry to stop.  We eventually found a place and had lunch, which involved...

Conch fritters!  This time, we ordered more!

Fried plantains!  One of my wife's favorites!
Kalik:  Bahamian for Beer!

After that, we started walking around Nassau towards the Queen's Staircase.  We came across a set of stocks and got to try them on.  I guess I was a little too unruly a tourist...

One thing I will say about the Bahamian prison
system is that they don't waste tax dollars on
things like beds and cells.  I have to respect that.

After getting released by my captor, Heather and I wound our way to the Queen's Staircase to work off the rest of the alcohol that was in my system.

Walking along the path to the Queen's Staircase...

About to start the Queen's Staircase...

The Queen's Staircase consists of 65 hand-carved steps to honor Queen Victoria's efforts in the abolition of slavery in the Bahamas.  At the top was Fort Fincastle, various street vendors, and a nice high view of Nassau...

A high view of Nassau...


...and a Kalik beer sign.  They love their national beer!

After that, it was time to hit the boat and have sushi, followed by dinner!  One of the benefits of going on a cruise is that it's essentially a floating transport, hotel, all you can eat buffet, and resort all rolled up into one.  Miraculously, I did not gain weight on this trip.  I also managed to earn an A on a presentation and a B on a mid-term exam (both due two days after returning home) in spite of taking this trip!

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